
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Letter #29 (Feb 22, 2012)

Hey all,
This week has been a week of growth for our companionship and for me as an individual. We have grown closer as a companionship and have gained a greater unity especially as we study the language together with the members. I have realized that with Elder Tolentino my planning has become more effective and we plan in more detail for each day in order to accomplish our goals. And once again, the Lord has taught me how to be humble in new ways. I am grateful that I have Elder Tolentino as a companion and feel that some days he teaches me more than I teach him.
We have had some amazing success this week with the less-actives in the ward, in regards to discerning their needs. We studied asking inspired questions last week in our companionship study and that week we saw miracles with the members opening up to us with their problems as we asked those inspired questions. One family opened up to us about how they didn't really have a testimony about the gospel and had returned to the Catholic church for answers as well but could feel the truth there either. We taught the restoration again, asked them about their baptism and invited them to read the Book of Mormon again and to pray to know it is true. It was a powerful experience and we are yet to visit with them again this week.
Another family has been having problems with the Word of Wisdom and they opened up to us, telling us they hadn't been going to church because they feel unworthy to go. We were able to teach about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and how we can make full use of it in our lives to repent of all our sins and become whole and clean again through the process of repentance. The Spirit was so strong and pressed upon my heart also about the power of the Atonement in our lives.
Despite the success there have been days were I fell like we didn't accomplish anything, even though we did our best. There was one day we went searching for less-actives to find they had all moved areas and we not living there anymore. Even though I knew we had done our part as missionaries I still felt like we hadn't accomplished anything.
But also this week I have experienced the most deep and contemplative meditation about my spiritual being. I don't think ever before in my life have I thought about my spiritual being and about the eternities as I have this week. I have come to realize that I was nowhere near the perfect person everyone thought of me at the end of high school and that I could have learnt and progressed a lot more than I did. I apologize for the grief I caused you, Mum and Dad... I have realized how much of a waste of time computer games and TV and other electronic things were in my life. I have made a commitment to myself that I will not watch TV when I finish my mission (we'll see how that turns out...). I realized how much the Lord prepared me for this mission and for these experiences, and how much of a pinoy I really am too... =]
Now a story... One night we were in our balay and we heard noises in the ceiling but thought nothing of it (cause usually there are rats and things anyways in the ceilings). then the next morning as i am putting the rice on to cook, i see this cat outside and it sees me. our eyes meet and it gives me a "i didnt do anything" smile... so I'm like what did you do? then it runs off. That night we hear these meowing noises in the ceiling and all the next day... we realised that the cat dumped here kittens in the ceiling. (Dad will probably enjoy this story i realised...) So the next day I decided that we have to get them out either now or when they're dead and rotting and smelling... so obviously I get my sundang and try to open our roof where the noises are coming from, cause its just plywood nailed to beams in the ceiling. So I get this board half off so we can wedge it open and see inside and there are three kittens... So holding the roof open with a mop i slide the kittens out with my sundang and Eldr Tolentino catches them in this rag blanket we have. So they were all safe and sound.
I miss you all, and Love you all so much, so much more than i realized and actually did before the mission.
Nahigugma ko kaninyo!
Elder Taylor Addison Cox


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