
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Letter # 21 (28t h Dec, 2011)

Stoo, Taylor's Dad wanted me to just email the following to him for the Wednesday, which was after we Skyped with him on the Monday morning....
Dad says....."Dear son, not much has changed since we last spoke. Still want you to know we are thinking of you!!" hahaha. You will see from his response that they share a similar sense of humour!!!

Hi all,
...well what dad said is pretty much true on this end as well. So that's all for this week...

joke lang...
I haven't got those photos yet for dad... but im working on it. And district meeting was great. Because the Strouds weren't in with us we spoke visayan the whole time, which left Sis Terry, the new sister missionary, very confused as what was going on. hahaha How mean are they ???

We had a csp yesterday cutting bamboo for a house in Calape. That was fun too.
And I have one experience from Monday evening... I will leave it up to you to share or not, depending on how you feel and what the spirit tells you.
We visited with the Laurel family and Sis Amor was ill, so we gave her a priesthood blessing.
So I gave the blessing and felt the spirit stronger than i had ever felt in a priesthood blessing. Sis Amor was crying when we finished. Then they fed us a great dinner and afterwards we chatted for a while cause there was a great storm outside with rain and winds that were ridiculously strong. While waiting i was thinking about a scripture in Jacob 4:6 and thought "why dont i just pray for the rain to stop?" so we decided that we had to return home anyway because it was getting late, and we always close in family pray with the Laurel family. They asked if i would offer the prayer, and of course i said i would be glad to. I prayed for their family and felt the spirit so strongly in the prayer also. I felt impressed to leave a blessing on their home and then asked Heavenly Father to stop the rain so we could get home without getting soaked. As we left their house and walked out into the rain along the path, a miracle happened! The winds calmed until there was no wind, and the rain slowed until it was a slight drizzle, like it was only sprinkling. Right then ane there i had the warmest feeling right in my heart, and I knew... not just believed anymore, but knew that Heavenly Father truly does love me, listens to and answers my prayers... and I knew that my faith was strong enough to recieve such a miracle. I thanked my Heavenly Father that i had enough faith to have him perfom such a miracle for us that night. When we returned to our house, it was only a few minutes later when the storm was back with its winds and rain. This was such a testimony builder for both me and my companion. He was amazed at what had happened too. I testify that I know that Heavenly Father loves us, he listens to our prayers and he answers them, if we have faith that he will do so.
Miss you all,
Love you tons,
Elder Taylor Addison Cox


Terri here: Just in case any of you are interested in what Jacob 4:6 reads...... "Wherefore, we search the prophets and we have many revelations and the spirit of prophecy; and having all these witnesses we obtain a hope, and our faith becometh unshaken, insomuch that we truly can command in the name of Jesus and the very trees obey us, or the mountains, or the waves of the sea." from The Book of Mormon.

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