This week has been good. We've had some challenges but we are doing
okay. All Saints Day isn't until the 2nd of Nov, and it is just
another holiday that makes our work hard, with no-one at home to
We had a great success of a referral from Elder and Sister Cropper. we
met this one family which the referred to us on Saturday and Elder and
Sister Cropper came with us to visit with them. They were just so
prepared to receive the message of the restored gospel and we sang
hymn 300 "Families Can Be Together Forever" with them and they were
all crying by the end. They really want blessings fro their family as
they see that it is falling apart. They came to church the very next
day and sister Barrdea, the mother in the family spoke to me at the
end of the Sunday services. She said, "Thank you elder, I felt that I
have found something today here. I think I will continue with this,
starting by reading this book," and she held up a copy of the Book of
Mormon. It was a miracle for this family that they were able to
receive the resorted gospel, and they are truly an elect family,
having been prepared for this moment in their life. I know they will
find a great strength and happiness for their family through this
gospel and eventually as they are sealed in the temple for time and
all eternity as a family.
Elder Manansala and I have been doing well. We are starting to really
feel true unity in our teaching and have seen the power of the Spirit
manifest itself in our lessons with our investigators as they keep
their commitments and continue to progress towards baptism.
I have begun to focus on the Book of Mormon again reading a chapter
everyday in Cebuano and re-reading in English and looking for things
to apply in my teaching for that day. It has really helped to make
teaching more meaningful and effective.
Other than that, we have been doing the usual missionary work here in
Amlan... teaching the investigators, preparing them for baptism,
helping the LA's get back to church and sorting out problems with
rumors among the members... as a missionary in the Philippines you
gotta get things straightened out in terms of the gossip that goes on
and re-inform all the members of the truth.
Sorry that this is very short this week but most of my time was spent
emailing President Schmutz today. Tell Reilly that I love him, and
keep up his diligent work in school... I'll be praying for him.
Love you all!
Elder Taylor Addison Cox

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